
Solo Travel and Self-Care: Prioritizing Fitness and Nutrition When Traveling Alone

It is always important to practice self-care when traveling, and doubly so if you are exploring the world by yourself. Solo travel is rewarding, enriching, and exciting, but it can also be overwhelming at times, and it is vital to build plenty of ‘me time’ into your schedule, and prioritize your fitness, nutrition, and general well-being.

It is all too easy to let healthy habits slide as a solo traveler, particularly when you are discovering new places and dealing with new experiences every day. But maintaining a good wellness regime is important for maintaining your energy and fully enjoying your adventures, whether you are boarding a cruise from Vancouver to Mexico, backpacking around South East Asia, or riding the rails around the cities of Europe. Here’s how to keep self-care front and center as a solo traveler.

Plan Ahead for Healthy Eating

Part of the joy of traveling solo is being able to indulge your personal tastes as much as you like, and this really comes to the fore when it comes to food. You can eat exactly what, where, and when you like, and it is always tempting to go wild on delicious local treats and street food. But balance is always an important part of wellness, so it is important to try and have a few healthy meals as a counterpoint to those indulgences to keep you feeling your best.

Planning ahead makes this an easier task. You can start before you begin your trip, by researching the local cuisine and looking for dishes that are both nutritious and delicious, so you can try new things without compromising your healthy habits.

If you are staying somewhere with a kitchen this task is often made easier, as you can buy amazing fresh fruit and vegetables at local markets and prepare them every day.


While indulging in street food and sweet treats at your destination is a must, it is also worth planning a few healthier meals as well. For example, in Thailand, street food is affordable and spectacularly tasty, but a diet of constant pad thai and fried spring rolls isn’t going to do you too much good in the long run. It is worth thinking about occasionally trying the steamed summer rolls or the green papaya salad instead!

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is one of the most important parts of traveling, and also one of the easiest things to forget about. Solo travelers might not always have access to water, which can be a problem particularly in hotter parts of the world, or at destinations at altitude. It is always a good idea to bring a reusable water bottle with you wherever you go, so you can fill up anywhere and stay hydrated. A bottle with a water filter attachment is even better, especially if you are exploring somewhere where the tap water isn’t safe to drink.

Incorporate Physical Activity into Your Itinerary

It can be easy to lose track of your normal exercise routine when you are traveling solo, but luckily regular physical activity is one of the easiest things to build into a vacation itinerary. Exercise doesn’t have to mean hours spent in the gym; there are all sorts of creative ways to stay active on the road.


Walking is one of the best and most obvious ways to stay fit while traveling. Most cities are best explored on foot, so you’ll tend to have plenty of opportunities for walking around, while jungle treks, nature hikes, and walking tours are classic solo travel activities.

For example, if you are exploring Anchorage in Alaska you could start your day with a jog along the Chester Creek Trail or a cycle ride along the Coastal Trail, before heading out into the wilderness for a hike in Chugach State Park. There are even a bunch of CrossFit gyms in the city if you really can’t give up on your gains!

Far from being a problem, traveling solo is a great opportunity to focus on health and well-being, allowing you to prioritize self-care and wellness without distractions!

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